Thursday 16 July 2009

"Terminator 2: Judgement Day" (1991): Eating liquid mercury IS bad for you. (James Cameron) (Movie, Megaupload)

The year is 1991 and the world has been peaceful and Terminator-free for a good 7 years now. But James Cameron is about to change that...YAY!! :D

Let me say this from the start: if the first terminator was a classic, this is an uber-classic that brought science fiction movie making to the digital age. Yeah, it's that good. This time around you get all the wholesome goodness of the first movie and then some. It's like someone took a delicious cake with cherries on top and then proceeded to top it up with extra layers of creamy, tasty, fatty heaven. This movie is as much horror at points as the first one and it will make you become scared of liquid-mercury-filled thermometers for life.

I think that Schwarzenegger (can't believe I typed this right twice...or did I??) realized that playing a metal horseman of the robotic apocalypse would hurt his future real-life chances of ruling ze world (imagine it being said with really bad German accent for full effect) and decided to play a very big and scary...good guy, hoping people would remember how he helped Jesus...erm...I mean John Connor survive and save us all in the movie and vote for him to become a governor in a not so distant future election. Or at least, that's my evil Schwarzenegger conspiracy...who knows with these things (yes, it is quite a scary place inside my head).

This movie has one of the most memorable villains of all time in the form of the liquid T-1000 terminator, which advanced the making of CG visual effects about a decade in a hurry so that the effects presenting his many transformations could be created for this film. He can be anyone, or anything. His hands can turn into metal sword-thingies and giganto-needles that can and WILL impale you. Now, that's scary in my book (although he would make a wonderful multipurpose kitchen appliance, taking the well known telemarketing catchphrase "But wait! There's MORE!" to new heights).

This movie takes the basic premise of the first one (watch it to find out what I mean, I am not the IMDb plot summary) and adds more thrills, more and better looking action and effects and a light sprinkling of philosophical ideas such as what free will and feelings are and the whole man-machine / creator-creation conundrum etc. However, James Cameron knows to keep this to a satisfying minimum, just enough to be intriguing and he doesn't turn the movie into a philosophy lecture (Ahem, I'm looking at you Matrix sequels). A sci-fi movie can either be mostly action, perhaps with a bit of horror, OR mostly a deep allegory about the core existential questions of humankind. It takes kahunas grandes to even try to combine both in equal amounts and it would still probably not work.

I will not spoil the ending of the movie either, just in case some of you were in a coma and haven't watched this movie already in the past 18 years, but suffice it to say that it's a damn satisfying one that has no need for sequels (with the ones that have come out not proving me wrong thus far). For what follows, recovered coma patients (and young' uns who have somehow managed to miss every television showing of this movie) rejoice and then prepare to be impaled!


Movie info:
  • Year: 1991
  • "Terminator 2" on: IMDb (8.5/10), RT ( 97%); "Terminator 2" Wiki


This is yet another standard 700MB AVI file, divided into 8 RAR archives, each one its separate Megaupload link. Decompress with WINRAR, watch with VLC player.

Remember, if you liked this movie...BUY IT OR BE GIGANTO-NEEDLE-IMPALED!!!

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